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Victory Christian Center firmly believes that we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ.  It is our goal to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those around us.  We find it exciting to meet new people and serve our community.

Kid's Ministry

Children are the church of today and the leaders of tomorrow.  Building a strong foundation of faith in our kids is exciting and rewarding.  Week after week we see kids excited to get to church, learn more about Jesus and see their friends. We are always looking for more energetic people to join our winning team.  Click below to get connected.  


We are so thankful for men and women who are willing to answer the call to spread the Gospel around the world.  Victory Christian Center currently supports several missionaries around the world.  If you would like to help support these important ministries click below and partner with us.  

Image by Elissa Garcia
Care Team Ministry

VCC has a team of volunteers who have committed to helping others with specific needs within our body.  Our focus is on 4 main areas; food for those who are in need, rides to medical appointments, minor jobs around the home and visiting those who need company.  If you would like to join the team or utilize this ministry for yourself contact the Care Team Director. 

Women's Ministry

Women are vital to the mission of Victory Christian Center.  We have a group of ladies who would love an opportunity to get to know you and encourage you.  They get together all the time to pray for each other and strengthen their faith in Christ.  Life can be hard all by yourself, join a group of ladies who have found strength and love from each other.

Girls with Hats
Prayer and Intercessor

Prayer changes everything.  Through prayer we have seen bodies healed, hope restored, marriages rekindled and people set free.  If you need prayer for anything, help is only a click away.  

Outreach & Evangelism Ministry

Jesus didn't just meet the spiritual needs of people.  He met their physical needs as well.  We believe it our duty to be the hands and feet of Christ.  Victory Christian Center loves God and Love people.  Giving back to our community, helping those in need and just being a hand to hold through life's difficult moments are just some of the things we long to do.  Would you like to be a part of something bigger than yourself.  

Volunteers Packing Food
Image by Bibake Uppal
Men's Ministry

Men have an important role in the home and in the church.  We believe in equipping men for the battles ahead.  We are called to help men become better husbands, fathers and leaders. Life on your own is hard.  Why not join a team of men who will fight along side of you and encourage you for greatness. 

The One
(Victory Life Recovery Group)

We believe everyone can benefit from a Life Recovery experience. We all have struggles in life; struggles with addictions, food, depression, anxiety, and relationships to name a few. But we approach recovery from different angles. Some want a formal recovery meeting with a traditional recovery experience. Others want a recovery experience in a small informal group, or in an existing group they are already comfortable with at their church. And some may prefer learning about recovery at their own pace before jumping into a group or meeting experience. This is the beauty of Life Recovery. Unlike other Christian recovery approaches that mandate how and where their recovery ministry can be employed, Life Recovery brings Christian recovery to you – right where you’re at.

Girl with Arms Stretched Out
Youth Ministry

The youth have an important role in today’s world. Whether it be at school, church, home or out in public. Having a place where the youth can come hangout with their friends, have fun learning about God and how important it is to walk with Him is not only rewarding but amazing. Our focus in the youth ministry is to teach the youth who are the future of this world, to live with God through a trusting faith. To know who to turn to in the time of trouble, because let’s face it there is no problem too big for God. We
prepare the youth to face the enemy with valor wearing the armor of God (Ephesians 6: 10-18), to love one another, to pray and have faith. It takes a church to raise servants of God to be fearless.

Ministerios Españoles
(Spanish Ministries)

En Victory Christian Center, estamos profundamente comprometidos a alcanzar a cada persona en nuestra comunidad con el mensaje transformador de Cristo. Creemos que el amor de Dios no tiene fronteras y es para todos, sin importar su origen, idioma o experiencia de vida. Nuestra misión es reflejar el corazón de Jesús al compartir Su verdad, esperanza y salvación de maneras significativas y prácticas. Ya sea a través de la adoración, los estudios bíblicos, los programas de alcance o actos de bondad, nos esforzamos por asegurarnos de que cada persona se sienta vista, valorada y amada. Estamos aquí para construir una comunidad donde las personas puedan experimentar la gracia de Dios y crecer en su fe, mientras trabajamos juntos para cumplir con la Gran Comisión.

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